How companies can remain attractive to employees & be competitive in the recruitment market

Now more than ever, employees are choosing to leave their current jobs in search of better opportunities and benefits. This means that retention is crucial, and companies must ensure that they can secure the talent they want for their organisation, whilst keeping top performers on board.

Workplace benefits are one of the best ways to improve employee satisfaction and increase retention, but with so many different types of benefits now available, how do employers choose which ones to offer and focus their efforts on?

It’s important to consider your budget, alongside the demographic of your employees and target audience, to ensure that the workplace benefits you offer are relevant and attractive to them.

Three workplace benefits that are worth implementing…

Health and wellness programmes

To keep talented employees engaged, whilst also appealing to new talent, companies must offer an attractive health and wellness programme.

Making the well-being of employees a priority ultimately creates a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce, and there are a variety of ways this can be implemented. Privilee’s Wellness Programme is a fantastic place to start, as Qatar's leading lifestyle membership, offering Members unlimited, complimentary access to five-star pools and resorts, state-of-the-art gyms, motivating group fitness classes, and much more.

Privilee’s Wellness Programme can be uniquely tailored to your company’s requirements. This includes competitive pricing packages to fit budgets, tailored communications, team-building exercises, membership add-ons, company events, group workouts, and a dedicated account manager.

Health insurance

A good health insurance policy is one of the most significant parts of a company's benefits package and holds a huge role in hiring and retaining employees.  

The last few years have highlighted the importance of good health, and employees are pursuing companies that value the health of their workforce. To safeguard themselves and their families, combat unforeseen costs (including medical inflation), and remove unwanted stress, employees and prospects are both seeking a hassle-free health insurance policy that they can rely on.

Alongside offering a comprehensive health insurance policy, companies that provide health and wellness programmes help employees to lead healthier and more active lifestyles. Benefits such as free gym access encourage regular exercise - a proven way to reduce stress, whilst improving physical and mental health. Ultimately, this means that employees are healthier and therefore company healthcare costs are reduced.

Flexible and remote working

A benefit that has become more important in the workplace than ever before is the opportunity to work remotely. Global businesses such as Twitter, Slack, Salesforce, and Microsoft allow employees to work remotely, and Forbes reported that a staggering 97% of employees don’t want to return to working in an office full-time.  

With this in mind, allowing employees to work remotely full-time or on a hybrid model is a fantastic way to keep them satisfied. By eliminating commute times, transport and parking costs, and allowing employees to live where they want without having to worry about getting to the office five times a week, they’ll be more productive and dedicated to their work and employer.

If you are part of a team that works remotely, there are many locations on Privilee that are great for working. Whether you are hosting meetings in cafes (that offer Members dining discounts) or looking for resorts where you can catch up on your emails, poolside.

Questions? For more information on Privilee’s Wellness Programme, please reach out to us at and our team will be able to help you.


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Jun 12, 2023